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的嗓音:“哦,我的Mark小乖乖,可 真想死我了!” “我要流鼻血了美人,咦,这个小美眉怎么啦?” “繁荣…”小杰晃我:“睁睁眼睛,我没有脱光光。”她用手指掐我的人中。 还真当我晕过去了?呵呵。我掀了掀睫毛配合她一下,却看到惹火的比基尼美人 ——原来她早有准备,却吓得我几乎心脏病发作。 “喂,怎么只有你一个,我的朋友怎么办?”小杰抱怨。 “我不用了,我还想做一个精油推背,你们玩好了。”我马上表态。来一个正好, 我可不想 失心又失身,看看Mark那件黑色紧身小背心下面的雄壮肌rou,我就 喜欢不起来。 “我们去游泳,穿这么喷火不下水太可惜了。”Mark打横把小杰抱起来,一个亲 吻落在她的面颊。 “那我去玩了?”小杰眨眨眼。 “嗯。”赶紧走,真是受够了,下次再跟她出来,我就不姓繁。 好了终于安静下来,打着哈欠我翻了个身——晕暗的灯光实在让人昏昏欲睡,我 这才想起来昨晚休息的太少了,现在最需要的就是来点舒缓的音乐助眠。 You look in my eyes and I get emotional inside I know its crazy, but you still touch my heart And after all this time you think that I wouldn‘t feel the same But melts into nothing and nothing has ge. I still believe Someday you and me will find ourselves in love again Each day of my life, I had dream Someday you and me will find ourselves In love again Im filled with all the joy I could find You know that I am not the desperate type If theres one spark of hope left in my grasp I‘ll hold it with both hands Its worth the risk of burning to have a sed ce No, no ,no,no.I need you, baby I still believe that we be together if we believe that true love never has to end